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Imagine a place where joy becomes a lifestyle. Where the air is filled with the energy of nature and the silence inspires you to explore your inner paths.

This is where our journey to holistic joy in life begins.

This is where our Joy Retreats begin.

At our retreats, you are not just a guest, but a participant in an experience that aims to strengthen you on all levels. In close collaboration with experts in the fields of health and prevention, we have created a safe place that offers space for personal growth, regeneration and self-care.

When was the last time you were truly happy and fully aware of the moment?


The journey

On our journey together, our goal is not only to give you a break from everyday life, but also to equip you with the tools, knowledge and resources you need to live a healthy and happy life. Our holistic retreats not only serve your self-care, but are also a source of inspiration and a place of transformation for your body, mind and soul.

Blumen Tasche Joy Retreats




The Treasure Chest

You will find our exclusive retreats in a place where time seems to stand still. Surrounded by untouched nature, you will immerse yourself in a holistic experience that strengthens body, mind and soul in equal measure. In the midst of this idyll, peace and space await you to regenerate and steer your life in a healthier direction. Experience the magic of JOY - where nature invites you to discover yourself and enjoy the moment.

The holistic health retreat invites health-conscious people, wellness enthusiasts and stress-stricken travelers. With a focus on prevention and a wide range of programs, from exercise to holistic body analysis, we offer the ideal space for your health journey.

Empowering lives through holistic health.

Frau Natur Joy Retreats



The Men's Retreat provides a supportive space for middle-aged men actively working on their health and quality of life. Experience a tailored program to recharge and personal development. Learn to navigate life's challenges and explore nature adventures in a breathtaking environment. Discover new perspectives and positively shape your life.

We provide women focusing on their health with a space for growth and healing. For women on the journey towards pregnancy who seek support, understanding, and tranquility, this retreat offers a community that supports and accompanies them every step of the way.

Life Blossom is where nature nourish your soul.


Rhea - life blossom

The Retreat is designed for women who have experienced health imbalances and seek holistic support. It caters to those focusing intensively on their hormonal health and seeking solutions for their specific needs. Here, they find space for self-care to restore hormonal balance, feel comfortable in their bodies, and pursue the changes they seek.

Empowering your journey to hormonal balance and self-love.


SaFyia - body harmony

Eins mit der Natur

We offer a wide range of wellness offerings centered around health promotion and prevention. This is the perfect place to strengthen body, mind, and soul, and discover joy in life. We strive for holistic well-being for cancer survivors, addressing improvements in physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. We equip individuals with tools to enhance their joy and well-being.

Embrace every single moment.


Māui - Preventive Health & Cancer Retreat

Frau Einfassung weg
Frau mit Kopftuch

The living traces

Sarah's journey to inner balance

The retreat allowed me to completely renew myself and find my inner balance again. The diverse range of activities, from yoga to healthy eating to forest education, gave me a wide range of opportunities to strengthen myself holistically. The special thing was the excursion on the last day to local providers who gave us an insight into sustainability in the region. The daily discussions and activities with the experts helped me to reflect on my personal goals and plan steps for a healthier future. I returned to my everyday life not only refreshed, but also strengthened and full of gratitude.

Many thanks for the great organization and the unique and sustainable accommodation in Styria.

Markus' journey to mental strength

The retreat exceeded my expectations by far. The yoga and fitness exercises helped me to feel my body and to recharge my batteries. I was particularly impressed by the workshops on mental strength. The community of participants, characterized by trust and respect, helped me to open up and talk about my challenges. At the end, I not only felt physically fitter, but also mentally stronger and more confident.

Many thanks to the entire Joy Retreat team and especially to Hannes, who believed in me!

Julia's journey to holistic


The retreat offered me exactly what I needed to take a holistic approach to my health. I was really excited about the different elements of the program and the opportunity to spend time in nature. The personal support from the experts was simply fantastic and helped me to explore new ways to live a healthier life. After the retreat, I not only felt better physically, but also more mentally balanced and much happier.

I was particularly impressed by the HRV device that I got to know during the retreat. It really opened my eyes and still helps me to take care of my health at home and at work. A great product that I don't want to be without!

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Verena  Jura

Personal Fitness Coach


For me, JOY means holistic well-being that goes beyond physical fitness. It is the joy of moving your body, inner peace and serenity. It means helping other people to improve their health and well-being, and being fulfilled and happy in the process.

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Christina Bayer


For me, JOY means not only feeling content and happy with myself, but also the ability to appreciate and celebrate the little joys in life. It is the conscious experience of gratitude for what we have and finding joy in the simple moments of everyday life.

Maria Feyersinger

Forest & Herb Expert

For me, JOY means experiencing, hearing and smelling nature in its entirety. Finding my inner peace. I feel happy

and I feel good. It's the feeling of harmony and peace when I'm in tune with myself and have the opportunity to switch off and just be.

Stefan Trumpf

Mental trainer

JOY is the joy that I feel in my heart. It is the feeling of rising energy and joy of life that arises from the flow of energy and life. For me, JOY also means arriving in the moment, letting go of external pressure and allowing myself to be carried by the lightness of being.

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Katharina Geier


JOY is more than just a word. It is the embodiment of a holistic way of life. It is the joy I feel when I can help others to live a fulfilling life. For me, JOY also means seeing my own family happy and healthy, and sharing my passion with others.

Tobias Schabetsberger

Mindfulness trainer & psychologist

It is the realization that true joy is not found in external circumstances, but in the inner world. JOY is the ability to recognize the beauty of the present moment and let go of the past while trusting the flow of life. It is the essence of life that is revealed in the practice of mindfulness as one learns to live with open eyes, open heart and an open mind.

Danja Gruber

Mindfulness trainer & Kort.X® brain trainer

JOY is the opportunity to experience the joy of life in all its facets. It is the ability to be aware of every moment and to recognize the beauty of life, even in the little things. It is the feeling of lightness and harmony that arises when body, mind and soul are in harmony and you can fully enjoy the joy of life.

Danja Gruber Waldbaden.jpg

Josef  Promitzer

Humor mental trainer, life and social counselor

JOY is a living principle that permeates the essence of my life and work. It is the ability to find joy and happiness in the simplest moments of life, whether it is laughing with other people or expressing yourself creatively. It is an attitude to life based on optimism, humor and the ability to face challenges with ease.

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Maria  Wirnsperger


JOY is more than just a word. It is the embodiment of a holistic way of life. It is the joy I feel when I can help others to live a fulfilling life. For me, JOY also means seeing my own family happy and healthy, and sharing my passion with others.

Stefan Lirsch

Forest educator

For me, JOY means experiencing a deep connection with nature and appreciating the beauty of the natural world. It is the joy I feel when I help other people discover and strengthen their own inner resources through experiences. Ultimately, for me, JOY is the feeling of inner peace and contentment that comes from living in harmony with yourself, other people and nature.

Roswitha Fauster

Nutritional therapist, dietista

For me as a person, JOY means a deep and holistic joy of life. It is the ability to appreciate and fully enjoy the small moments of happiness in everyday life. JOY is the feeling of contentment and inner peace that arises when I consciously perceive myself and my surroundings and live in the here and now.

Leopoldine Kniepeiss

Art teacher

It is the realization that true inner joy in life is not found in external circumstances, but deep within our inner world. True joy alone does not only show itself externally, but is an inner experience that exists independently of external influences. JOY is the ability to recognize the beauty of the present moment and let go of the past.

The companions

Leading companies that share our vision of holistic health promotion and prevention. Thanks to our partnership, we are able to offer high-quality programs and provide our participants with a first-class retreat experience. Together we create a space for personal growth and regeneration.

Wasserglas mit Notiz Joy Retreats

Get in touch at anytime for further information or support. Our team is at your disposal.

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